Thai-Yoga Table Massage

Clear your mind, stretch your body with Thai-yoga table massage.

Thai-yoga table massage is adapted from the ancient form of Thai massage.  The tradition of Thai massage was started in India around 2500 years ago. This ancient form of massage helps align the energies of the body by working the sen lines (energy pathways) with compression and gentle rocking to stretch soft tissue. By putting pressure on the different points of the body we are helping to open channels of energy. In Eastern philosophy, which this massage is derived from, it is believed that we are helping to balance our chi, or life force. Once that has been accomplished then we move into the next phase of the massage which is the  stretching of the joints and limbs.  Thai-yoga table massage has been call the lazy man’s yoga. That is a bit of a misnomer but it does give some idea of the purpose and effectiveness of this session.

Thai-yoga table massage incorporates gentle rocking which invokes the para- sympathetic  nervous system, which then releases serotonin (serotonin promotes feelings of well-being and happiness) into our bloodstream. We feel more connected to ourselves, to beauty, nature and the world when our energy is unblocked.

Thai-yoga table massageThis session is done fully clothed.  Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Traditionally Thai-yoga massage is done on the floor on a mat but over time it has been adapted to a standard massage table for ease of both the recipient and the practitioner.  Either way this session serves to provide a spaciousness in both body and mind.

As we age it is important to keep opening and lubricating our joints. Synovial fluid is the fluid that surrounds all of our joints. This fluid is only produced through movement. The old saying “move it or lose it” is applicable here.

Contraindications: acute injury or inflammation, sharp pain, herniated disks, 1st trimester of pregnancy, rashes or abrasions covering large portions of the body.

60 minutes – $85, 90 Minutes – $125